I don’t believe it when someone is saying:
but you live so far away, or it’s to expensive… maybe next year or maybe when you loose 10 pounds and look better…
and all that stuff..
take a moment and think about this..
what would you grab if there was fire in your house?
your family and your pictures !
those are your memories and the most prized possessions…
the value of photos vs. stuff !
it’s just our priority list.
your choice.
*Find a photographer that you love and one that you trust to capture the details of the love you have amongst the members of your family, then save and plan and make it happen.
If it’s important to you, make it happen.
Coralie - I bow down humbly in the presence of such grtesneas.
http://www./ - Santo cielo, non pensavo che ci fosse gente messa così male da spacciarsi per intermediario di una persona il cui pubblico è per il 140% composto di persone appassionate di truffe e bufale.È un po' come se io mi specializzassi nel rapinare poliziotti. Geniale.